Our Approach
To create an equitable society where every Dalit has the social, economic and political power to
thrive and live a dignified life.
Dignity Initiative is committed to ending all forms of caste based discrimination and
untouchability; ensure Dalits representation in the state mechanism; and access to justice,
resources and opportunities.
Strategic Goals:
- To strengthen Dalit movement through knowledge production and policy advocacy
- To hold constructive and critical discourses on contemporary and concurrent Dalit issues
- To produce critical mass to challenge the existing discriminatory power-relations and
counter the dominant narratives created on Dalit
- To create a wider of Dalit intellectuals, researchers, analysts, critics, academics, research
organizations, universities, activists, and pro-active Non-Dalits to leverage their support
and solidarity to end all forms of caste-based discrimination
- Actively engage in the international human rights mechanisms to incorporate Dalit issues
and concerns
- To hold the state accountable to fulfill its international commitments and obligations